Website Pages...

Civita Robinson (Mom) passed April 3, 2022

Uncle Mike's Passing 

Mike LoPorto's Passing

A framed plaque of this memorial was submitted to VFW Posts 729 and 1895 in Waterveliet and Schenectady, NY. It was also shipped to President Trump.

Rasile's Home from 1960-2015

The Throne of Israel

James Guccione,

My Advisor:

Kingdoms of Earth and Hell

26 books:

package design 

currently as a floppy box

Type your paragraph here.

Order the self-assembled floppy box package by emailing me 

your name, mailing address and $20 to my paypal email (the same). It should be shipped within 7 days. You will need to cut, fold and glue the 6 panels (sides) to make the 3-d box.

Side of package box panel ā€‹
